Director-Administration Message

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The world seems to be spinning faster and on avalanche of new knowledge comes crashing in. children are growing up under different circumstances from those their parent has experienced. The new generation faces more competition, more powerful peer group, pressure and immense emotional stress. This means that good parents and dedicated teachers are needed more than ever. It also means that building lives take time, tolerance, patience, fait, love and dedication.

But nothing is more rewarding than watching a child move into maturity and independence. The parents and the school with experienced staff have a greater responsibility in helping children become persons who accept responsibilities and right living.

The all round value based education, manifested in the variety of activities and programmes, a spirit and healthy competition, be it in sports, culture or personality development to inculcate self discipline, team-spirits, integrity and honesty, where grace and dignity are evident whether in victory or loss.

The Principal, Teachers and other staff of B.P.S. Public School deserve our special complements because all of them are putting their best efforts to bring excellence in every field of school.

Mr. Amit Singh        
Director - Administration